Including You at PanzerGlass®

At PanzerGlass®, we are first and foremost people. We are a global team. We bring our personality to work and care for each other. We dare be ourselves. We include you.

Including Emil

And it’s being recorded... The feeling when you reveal your guilty pleasure song.

Get to know Emil who is part of our Projects team.

Including Mandy

Her favourite feel-good movie is Forest Gump.

Get to know Mandy who is part of our Sales team.

Including Anna

Who rides a Harley while listening to Taylor Swift.

Get to know Anna who is part of our Marketing department.

Including Phaedra

Three very surprising choices to bring to a deserted island.

Get to know Phaedra from our Sales team.

Including Peter 

A love for classic cars and former master of smashing his phone screen.

Get to know Peter who is part of our Sales team.

Including Puneet

Who share his wise words about the people at PanzerGlass® “appreciation comes from actions, not from words”.

Get to know Puneet who is part of our Sales team.